Sunday, February 28, 2010

Blogging 101

My previous attempts to start a blog have failed in the past decade. I did Live Journal once and started another one...but I'm really into g-mail and have google wave and google voice, so maybe this one will stick. I'm not sure if it was the privacy factor, or just sheer laziness, but I'm rethinking this whole anti-blog thing... For sure I haven't had time to really read other people's blogs and I'm not sure I'm going to really share this one with others yet, TBD. For now it will just be a private place for my thoughts to remain alone and undisturbed and to be accessible at a later time for reflection. So if you do have the privilege to view these words in the future, I must apologize in advance for the endless run-on sentences, misspellings and huge blocks of text with no paragraphs that seem like virtual brain farts that are sure to come out in future blog postings.

This morning I sit at the table in the kitchen of my brother Joe and his wife Heather. They came to collect me at the airport yesterday here in Austin, TX. It was quite a feat getting out of LA and for good this time. I'm still a bit shocked at how much stuff I still own, despite my best efforts to pare down stuff for storage and stuff I will be bringing to SA. ChrisP flew from Vancouver on Wed (today is Sunday) and I arrive in Joburg on Tuesday, and leave tomorrow morning. Taking care of all the last bits was successfully spaced out with sufficient time to do them, however at first that checklist is totally overwhelming. I just go one step at a time, like I learned from so many prior moves before. I do feel like I'm pretty good at it by now, and thank my lucky stars I had a Mom that was so organized.

I journaled yesterday on the plane, answering some questions that Robin posted in an e-mail blast like a year ago. They were great ones to ask myself and I feel like a lot of inner wisdom is unfolding slowly, like a flower. I think a lot of it is about asking the right questions and then being open for the answers to come in whatever form on offer. Maybe it's a line in a movie, something a friend mentions, a flash of insight or vision, a cataclysmic event (good or bad) just never know where the origin will be, but to be on the lookout and expecting it to come is part of the magic. My tooth came loose just minutes after I said good-bye to ChrisP at the airport. It fell out as I was eating on the plane, but luckily I didn't swallow it. It is an old tooth with issues from a bike accident back in '99. It's come loose and came out twice already; once on a boat from Vietnam to Cambodia and once in India. So, I guess now the next step is an implant, since re-cementing it in is not only just a temporary solution, but allows decay and possible infection, which would be really bad. Hopefully the procedure is under a thousand bucks in SA. We'll see...

Anyhow, since I wrote most of the good stuff in my journal yesterday, and will continue to try to journal daily, I'm not sure what else to blog at this point. This is sort of an experiment really...if I might prefer pen to paper, or this...hmmm...time will tell. There is a lot up in my head that needs to be written down...this I know for certain.